Memorial of Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, Virgin and Martyr



God of our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob,
who led your martyr Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
to the knowledge of your crucified Son
in her imitation of him even unto death,
grant, by her intercession,
that all people may know the Saviour Christ
and, through him, come to the vision of you in eternity.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.


Lord God of our fathers,
who brought Saint Teresa Benedicta
to the fullness of the science of the Cross
at the hour of her martyrdom,
fill us with that same knowledge
and, through her intercession,
allow us always to seek after you, the Supreme Truth,
and to remain faithful until death
to the covenant of love, ratified in the Blood of your Son
for the salvation of all men and women.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.

Proper Readings
Esther 4c:12-16, 23, 25
John 4:19-24

General Intercessions

That the Church throughout the world
may rejoice in the promise made to Abraham and to his posterity,
and ever magnify the Lord, the God of Israel,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us.

That the leaders of nations may not be disheartened
by the difficulties that block the road to peace,
and that, for the sake of Jerusalem,
they may find the common language of reconciliation,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us.

That the survivors of the Holocaust may be comforted;
that those who lost loved ones may be consoled;
that the sin of anti-Semitism may be eradicated from every heart;
and that reconciliation may triumph over enmity,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us.

That the Jewish people, the first to hear the Word of God,
may remain faithful to the covenant,
and to the worship of the Lord, the God of Israel,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us.

That we, like Saint Teresa-Benedicta,
may seek the surpassing “science of the Cross”
and find it in this and in every celebration of the Holy Sacrifice,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us.

Collect at the General Intercessions

Almighty and ever-living Lord,
God of Israel,
who called Saint Teresa-Benedicta
to the light of the Gospel,
to the solitude of Carmel
and to the science of the Cross,
mercifully grant that we,
by turning to you in every tribulation,
may be refreshed with the living water promised by your Son,
and be numbered, with all your saints,
among those who worship you, according to your desire,
in spirit and in truth.
Through Christ our Lord.

Prayer Over the Offerings

O Lord our God, who in one single sacrifice
have brought to perfection the various victims of the old covenant,
receive, we beseech you, our gifts
set forth in commemoration of Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross,
for the celebration of the sacrifice of the new and everlasting covenant.
Through Christ our Lord.


Truly it is right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
through Christ our Lord.
Christ laid down his life in perfect love,
dying not only for his own nation
but to gather all your scattered children into one.
Christ’s faithful servant and disciple Saint Teresa Benedicta
shared her Master’s destiny with joy,
and for the sake of Christ’s name
bore hatred and persecution without fear.
Strengthened by the Holy Spirit
who gave witness to Christ within her heart,
she also was established as a witness to the Master.
Now, as we celebrate her memory
we join the host of angels and saints
in their exultant hymn of praise:

Prayer After Communion

Venerating the memory of your martyr Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross,
we have received the heavenly fruit of the tree of the Cross;
grant, we beseech you, most merciful God,
that by the strength of this food we may cling faithfully to Christ,
until in paradise we partake of the tree of life.
Through the same Christ our Lord.

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