Terry’s commentary on Jacob’s struggle is magnificent. Read the whole text at Abbey–Roads2.
This wrestling in the night can also suggest the spiritual combat involved in overcoming temptation and sin – perhaps even our unconscious resistance to God’s grace.
Ultimately, the fight Jacob engaged in can inspire in a soul who struggles with temptation and sin an abiding hope, thus encouraging the soul to persevere in the spiritual combat that is the Christian life. God allows this wrestling to test the soul, enjoying the intimacy of man pressing against His Sacred Heart in the battle. . . .
It is something few of us ever realize, this intimate contact with God amidst our greatest struggles; in the experience of our deepest, darkest, and most painful moments. Oftentimes we cannot perceive His presence, much less His plan for us – while our human nature seeks desperately to repel the experience. And our Lord seems reluctant to give us any evidence of His love during these times, except that which Jacob received, the painful dislocation of his hip. Again, for me, this image suggests that in and through our woundedness, we thus enter into a deeper humility, with less confidence in our own devices and a greater dependence and confidence in the mercy and love of God.