De Maria Numquam Satis

Blessed Bartolo Longo wrote: “What is my vocation? To write about Mary, to have Mary praised, to have Mary loved.”
At 11:55 this morning I went down into the basilica to await the praying of the Supplica to the Madonna del Rosario di Pompei. I took a place in the front row of chairs. Behind me I could hear people arriving. There was some whispering about the requisite leaflet. Although Don Carlo had made copies available, many came prepared with their own leaflets. The atmosphere in the basilica was charged with holy anticipation. At noon, Don Carlo led us in the Supplica. The faithful read the text with the most touching piety and confidence. Blessed Bartolo Longo’s prayer has an unmistakable spiritual unction. It touches hearts. It permits people to voice their need for help and their confidence in Mary in a wonderful solidarity, and without the slightest embarrassment.
After the singing of the Salve Regina in conclusion, I looked around at the people who had come. Men and women. Young and old. The nave was nearly full. Rather impressive, when one considers that the Supplica was being prayed in churches all over Rome at the same time.
O blessed Rosary of Mary,
sweet chain that unites us to God,
chain of love that unites us to the angels.
Tower of salvation against the assaults of Hell.
Safe harbor in the universal shipwreck,
we will never abandon you.
You will be our comfort in the hour of death,
to you the last kiss
of our dying life.
And the final word on our lips
will be your sweet name,
O Queen of the Rosary of Pompeii,
O dearest Mother,
O refuge of sinners,
O sovereign comforter of the afflicted.
Be everywhere blessed, today and forever,
on earth and in Heaven.

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