Bonjour, tout le monde!

Bonjour, tout le monde. Je m’appelle Jean et j’habite tout près du monastère Saint–Benoît à Nans–sous–Sainte–Anne dans le Jura français. Je suis allé à la messe hier soir avec Maman et Papa et, après, le Père m’a pris en photo.
Little Jean was remarkably well behaved at Mass last evening in the Monastère Saint–Benoît at Nans–sous–Ste–Anne. He followed everything attentively and even imitated some of my gestures at the altar, folding his hands in prayer. Jean’s grandfather Michel was killed in a tragic accident last week and the Mass was offered for the repose of his soul.
I left France this morning and, with Thérèse Dussud at the wheel, and Soeur Marie–Isabelle in the back seat, arrived in Geneva (Switzerland) in time for my 11:00 flight to Rome. Don Carlo met me at the airport in Fiumicino.
I am back in my monastery and connected, once again, to Vultus Christi. There is a lot to write about and I do have some splendid photos to post.
The purpose of my trip to France was to give conferences in two monasteries of Benedictine nuns. I also found time time to go in pilgrimage to two Marian shrines: Notre Dame de la Sainte Espérance (Our Lady of Holy Hope) in Mesnil–Saint–Loup, and Notre–Dame du Chêne (Our Lady of the Oak) between Besançon and Nans–sous–Sainte–Anne.

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