4 December, Saint Barbara, Virgin and Martyr
I am mindful today of the dear friends named Barbara whom God has sent into my life. According to tradition, Saint Barbara was confined to solitude in a tower with two windows. She had a third window added in honour of the Most Holy Trinity. Thus did the deifying light of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit shine in her solitude and in her soul. It is noteworthy too that Saint Barbara lived and died in Turkey, recently visited by the Holy Father. I very much like this painting of Saint Barbara lifting high the adorable Mysteries of Christ’s Body and Blood. It is reminiscent of certain depictions of Saint Clare of Assisi. Both saints shine with a eucharistic light.
At Holy Mass today there will be an intercession in honour of Saint Barbara;
For those called to a life of solitude,
that through the intercession of Saint Barbara, virgin and martyr,
they may persevere in adoration of the Most Holy Trinity
and be strengthened in the virtue of hope,
let us pray in silence — for the Lord is near.
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thank you for the gift of St. Barbara. I too, like this picture. I never saw her bearing in her hand the chalice and Eucharist, only the tower and sword. I visited St. Barbara’s Orthodox Church today. Prayed for all.