The Rosary: Hastening to the Springs
The Aves of the Rosary are a stream of living water that irrigate and purify the heart. One who perseveres in the prayer of the Rosary will begin to experience, through the intercession of the all–pure Mother of God, the beatitude pronounced by Our Lord: “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Mt 5:8). The Rosary, a humble path of ceaseless prayer, is a sure means to purity of heart. It is a way of “hastening to the springs and of drawing from the wells.”
Hasten to the springs, draw from the wells.
In God is the wellspring of life,
A spring that can never fail.
In his light is found a light that nothing can darken.
Desire that light which your eyes know not!
Your inward eye is preparing to see the light.
Your inward thirst burns to be quenched at the spring.
Saint Augustine, Commentary on Psalm 41:2
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I tried to type this once and then my dialup disconnected.
Thank you for posting this. I sometimes have trouble with the rosary, yet I do see the fruits when I am able to persist.
God bless you!