7 October, Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary
Hail , Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women,
and blessed is fruit of your womb (cf. Lk 1:28, 42).
Pour forth your grace into our hearts,
we beseech you, O Lord,
so that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ your Son
was made known by the message of an Angel,
may by his passion and cross
be brought to the glory of his resurrection.
Through the same our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, forever and ever.
That Christians everywhere,
instructed by the teachings of the Popes and the experience of the saints,
may acknowledge with joy
that the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary remains
in this third millennium a path of contemplation,
a weapon against heresy, and a pledge of peace,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us. R. CHRIST, GRACIOUSLY HEAR US.
That through the prayer of the Rosary
the Church may be defended in our day, as she was in the past,
against her enemies visible and invisible,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us. R. CHRIST, GRACIOUSLY HEAR US.
That Christian leaders of nations
may be inspired to take up the humble prayer of the Rosary
to implore peace for the world,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us. R. CHRIST, GRACIOUSLY HEAR US.
That by the intercession of Our Lady of Victories,
the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
the plotting of terrorists may be foiled,
and the violence of armies quelled,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us. R. CHRIST, GRACIOUSLY HEAR US.
That the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary
may be healing to the sick,
solace to those who sorrow,
freedom for captives,
and a final comfort for the dying,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us. R. CHRIST, GRACIOUSLY HEAR US.
That it may be given us to persevere in the prayer of the Most Holy Rosary
until the joy of the Virgin Mary becomes our joy,
her light our light,
her sorrow our sorrow,
and her glory our glory,
to the Lord we pray: Christ, hear us. R. CHRIST, GRACIOUSLY HEAR US.
O God, whose Only–begotten Son
by living, dying, and rising again,
has purchased everlasting joy for us:
mercifully grant that by calling these things to mind
in the Blessed Virgin Mary’s most holy Garden–of–Roses,
we may learn better both to follow what they set forth,
and to strive after what they promise.
Through the same Christ our Lord.
In me is all grace of the way and of the truth;
in me is all hope of life and of virtue.
Like a rose planted on the rivers
I have borne fruit (Sir 24:25; 39:17).
Lord, we beseech you cause us to be fittingly prepared
for offering up these gifts,
and grant that we may so recall
the mysteries of your only–begotten Son,
as to become worthy of those things which he has promised.
Who lives and reigns forever and ever.
It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give you thanks,
Lord, holy Father, almighty and eternal God,
and in this celebration of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
to magnify you with worthy praise.
Receiving your Word in her immaculate heart,
she was found worthy of conceiving him in her virginal womb,
and by giving birth to the Creator,
she nurtured the Church at her very beginning.
Standing beneath the cross,
she accepted the testament of divine charity,
and accepted as her children
all men born to life from above
by the death of her Son.
She joined her supplication to the prayers of the disciples
as they awaited the fulfillment of your Promise
and so became the pattern of the Church at prayer.
Raised to the glory of heaven,
she accompanies the pilgrim Church with a mother’s love,
and graciously protects her steps toward the homeland,
until the glorious advent of the Day of the Lord.
And so, with the all the Saints and Angels,
we praise you all together and ceaselessly sing:
Behold, you shall conceive and shall bring forth a Son,
and you shall call his name Jesus (Lk 1:31).
We beseech you, O Lord our God,
that we who, in this sacrament,
proclaim the death and resurrection of your Son,
may become companions in his passion,
and so be found worth of sharing also
in his consolation and glory.
Through Christ our Lord.