Supplica to Saint Rita of Cascia

The saints befriend those whom God entrusts to them. Often the saints introduce themselves into one’s life by means of a reference in conversation, the gift of a book, or the random discovery of an image. One who has experienced the friendship of the saints in this valley of tears will always cherish it. The circle of heavenly friends is ever widening, ever expanding. There is, at every moment, a mysterious commerce between heaven and earth. No one is excluded from this commerce; it is willed by God and set in motion by His Eternal Love lest, at any moment, one be overwhelmed by too great a sorrow or crushed beneath too heavy a burden.

O glorious Saint Rita, thou who art familiar with suffering, powerful indeed are thy pleadings in the presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ, most cruelly scourged, crowned with thorns, nailed to the wood of the Cross, and pierced by the soldier’s lance! The Divine Bridegroom has given thee so wondrous a gift of intercession that countless souls have obtained, through thy prayers, favours that many would call impossible and miracles past all telling.

Compassionate Saint Rita, worthy daughter of Saint Augustine, even now, in the glory of heaven, thy heart burns with love for the crucified Jesus and for the weakest and most afflicted members of His Mystical Body. Be thou our advocate in the present distress. Speak boldly on behalf of the one whom we entrust to thy intercession, N. Take to heart this intention of ours and obtain for us the favour we ask of thee. Voices both earthly and infernal may deride our hope and scoff at our confidence, but we shall persevere in prayer, calling upon thee until thou showest us thy power.

Good Saint Rita, let it not be said that we turned to thee in our hour of need only to be sent away in bitterness and tears. Show again that Our Lord Jesus Christ, because of thy great love, hears thy prayers on behalf of those whom it is given thee to befriend. We promise, O good Saint Rita, if our petition is granted, to acclaim thee as a most powerful advocate of souls in the grip of dark and cruel forces. Confessing with all our hearts that to God nothing is impossible, we cast ourselves at thy feet and and abandon our petition to thy solicitude. Act thou quickly, we pray thee, on our behalf, that with thee we may glorify the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who, with Him, liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

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